EDGE Success
Steps + training
+ Documents + Scripts
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EDGE Success
Are you ready to create a fantastic income sharing essential oils? EDGE Success is A training system our team uses and this page has everything you need to get you started!
Follow These Steps:
1) Watch the EDGE Success Bootcamp Videos made by dōTERRA Diamonds. Password "oils" (case sensitive)
Intro + Overview with Rose Ingraham (12:50 run time)
First Class with Arin Ingraham and Gabrial Fugate (33:38 run time)
Network vs. Contact List with Arin Ingraham (16:29 run time)
Mentor Pathway with Ema Hirzel (29:30 run time)
Diamond Mindset with Aisha Harley and Josie Schmidt (31:55 run time)
2) Purchase"My Business in a Box" here (English and Spanish)
3) Link with your mentor for guidance and fill out the "prepare" section of the Fast Track Planner
Edge Success Quotes and Questions. Door #1
Are you open to natural forms of healthcare?
I'm curious, have you used natural forms of healthcare before?
Are you open to learning about natural ways to take care of you and your family?
Would it be okay if I called you on Thursday?
Would you be open to trying an essential oil?
Have you heard of essential oils?
Would it be ok if I gave you a sample?
If I gave you this sample of lavender, would you let me know what you experienced using it?
Would you be open to learning about essential oils?
Four Essential Steps to Build Your Essential Oil Business by EDGE Success (private links)
Step one: FIND
Step two: TEACH
Step three: ENROLL
Step four: DUPLICATE

Be sure to schedule Membership Overviews with your new enrollments at the time of enrollment!
After they enroll say:
“Our next step is to schedule a time to get together so I can show you how to use
your oils and get the most out of your membership with dōTERRA.”
I would even recommend setting up membership overviews with your existing downline if they have not had one already. You might discover your next builder is right in your own backyard. DO NOT skip this step. A key part of the EDGE system is the concept of 3 doors of openness. "Are you open to learn about natural solutions? Are you open to sharing oils with others? Are you open to the idea of creating income with dōTERRA?" These invitations / presentations happen within the Invitation to class and the Membership Overview so you MUST do this step. Once they say yes to creating an income, you give them a Business Overview and then guide them through the same process you went through. This is true DUPLICATION.
Presentation PPT
DAILY EDGE: 6-3-1 Success Schedule
Daily- Ask yourself these questions:
1. Who will I share the oils with today?
2. Who has attended a class that I will follow-up with?
3. Who has enrolled that I will help better understand the LRP?
4. Who is using the product that I will talk to about the business?
5. Who is building the business that I will support?
6. What will I read, watch or listen to that will help me grow as a leader?
Weekly- fulfill these assignments:
1. Attend Team Calls
2. Talk to my mentor and set goals
3. Teach 2-5 people about essential oils
Monthly: -click here-
1. Attend Training for daily action sheet print out